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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Beyonce vs. Barack

(Image source: The Blaze)

While this is old news, weeks old now, it is still something that’s been on my mind. I’m sure everyone remembers Beyonce’s big lip-syncing debacle at the Inauguration, because I sure do, and it fills me with dread. But it’s not why you’re thinking. I don’t look back on this moment in shame because I was disappointed that one of my favorite artists, and one of the world’s most talented women, was lip-syncing- I think about this moment and shake my head because what our nation took away from President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s second inauguration, the second inauguration of the first black president to ever run this country (and even if that was not the case this situation would bother me), a moment that will go down in history, is that Beyonce Knowles decided to lip-sync.

What does it say about our country that the biggest news story, and probably what people will remember most about the 2013 inauguration event, is that the national anthem was lip-synced? We seem to care more about some silly pop-culture mess up than about the President himself. We’re in some pretty dark times, times we’re hoping this man will lead us out of... but man, did you hear about Beyonce lip-syncing? 

This whole issue just shows that our society is too celebrity-obsessed for our own good. Our generation will soon be the ones leading the country, and it’s time we start worrying more about politics and foreign policy than “who wore it best”. It is also time we stop trying to constantly find something wrong with everyone one else. We all know Queen B could have hit those notes with her hands tied behind her back, who cares if she lip-synced during a freezing event that she didn’t even get to properly practice for?

Here’s somethings you probably missed about the 2013 inauguration while you were busy reading the marine band’s statement: Obama messed up on the oath AGAIN; both he and Vice President Biden were actually sworn into office the Sunday before the inauguration event making it four times total that Obama has said the constitutional oath (twice in 2009 because of the first slip-up, twice this year); and in his inauguration speech, Obama called for equality for gays, the first president to ever do so.

And to end this piece, Beyonce showing all the haters there is no reason to ever doubt her abilities at her Super Bowl press conference:

xx, L

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